Lesson 41 Weak and strong
The cold winter weather means more people with illnesses like colds and flu. It also gives us a chance to look at the common word-choice mistake that Risa makes.
Joanne: How have you been, Risa? It’s been quite cold recently.
Risa: I've been well. I’m strong to the cold. But my parents have been ill. Older people are weak to the cold.
Risa's meaning is clear enough, but her wording isn't natural. She translates 風邪に弱い as “weak to the cold” and 風邪に強い as "strong to the cold." But to sound more natural, she should say "sensitive to (に敏感)” not “weak to” and "robust to (に丈夫)” not “strong to.” These rules apply when describing sensitivity and robustness to anything, not just the cold. So remember to wear warm clothes if you are sensitive to the cold.